Individual Counselling

Experience personalised one-on-one counselling in a safe, positive, and empathetic environment. Our therapists provide support helping you explore new possibilities, overcome obstacles, and enhance your overall well-being.

Relationship Counselling

At Sydney City Couples Counselling, we help improve relationships. Our counsellors address underlying issues causing disharmony, alienation, and pain. With our guidance, you'll gain insights and learn strategies to navigate difficulties. We provide long-lasting tools for a healthier, happier relationship.

Crisis Counselling

Our crisis counselling services provide a safe haven in the midst of life's darkest days. Our therapists will help you navigate the rough waters by focusing on emotional and physical safety. We offer support helping you understand and manage hyper or hypo-aroused reactions to distressing events. Let us be your safe harbour and guide you back to calmer waters.


What are the possible benefits of Emotionally Focussed Therapy and couples counselling?

relationship counselling

Does Couples Counselling work?

Couples counselling allows both parties to discuss their relational issues in a safe place.  A relaxed setting where one can find their voice under the professional guidance of a therapist.

At Sydney City Couples Counselling, sessions will enhance your ability to explore the dynamics of your relationship and provide tools to improve communication effectiveness. An experienced therapist can often identify blind spots the couple is unaware of and further identify how conflicts ignite.

Emotionally Focussed Therapy and couples counselling can assist with identifying the negative patterns in communication on how to avoid the pitfalls.

Our services

Counseling Services

Relationship Counseling
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Individual Counseling
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Crisis Coundeling
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Child Psychotheraphy
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Couples Psychotheraphy
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Family Psychotheraphy
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emotional healing

Get help Now

relationship help

Why do couples argue?

Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of any relationship. However, repeated arguments can cause stress and tension in your relationship, which can lead to long-term issues. Understanding why couples argue can help you identify the root cause of the conflict and work towards resolving it.

Intimate relationships can be tough going. Cultural differences, family of origin, mismatched libidos, emotional wounds, differing values, communicational styles and competing needs can de-rail a once harmonious union.

Unmet needs left wanting can leave a couple struggling for emotional nourishment, similar to a withering plant being starved of water, sun and fertiliser. In the struggle to be ‘seen’ by their partner and have unmet needs filled conflict can arise. We have a primal need for safety, survival and to be connected.

The possible loss of such a connection can stir up emotions of fear and sadness. This could result in problematic behaviour in an attempt to prevent such a loss. Problematic behaviour could further stir up emotions on both sides which results in the commencement of a new negative cycle.

The resulting patterns may include pursue – withdraw where the pursuer is bidding for reconnection and the withdrawer is trying to avoid conflict or further relational damage. Eventually the pursuer may give up creating a withdraw – withdraw dynamic detaching the couple further.

Emotionally Focussed Therapy looks at ways to circuit break negative cycles and understand how they start.  Helps couples get a better understanding of their relational dynamics and the contributing factors to conflict.

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Mental Health Condition
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Mental Health Condition
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